Now IS the Time to Focus on Team Development

Strong teams start with the individual’ – Gallup

Assuming this is true, why do we focus so much time and energy developing just the manager?  The majority of articles I have read recently talk about increasing the manager’s skills, competencies and Emotional Intelligence, which are all good.  There certainly should be a focus on supporting and developing managers so that they can lead their teams more effectively.

But why does the responsibility to grow and develop the individual team member live only with the manager?   Where is the focus on the individual to grow and develop as well?

This seems lopsided, setting up unrealistic expectations and frankly a recipe for creating a work force that is overly demanding, entitled and unwilling to take accountability for themselves.

Shouldn’t we focus more time and energy on everyone?  On the individuals? On the TEAM?

I believe growth and development should be a partnership, but not an equal partnership.  I believe the employee has more accountability for their own growth and development.  The split is more like a 60/40 partnership between the employee and the manager, with the onus falling on the employee to take charge of setting the direction and plan for what they want and how they’ll get there.  The manager is there to support and coach once the employee sets their sights on where they want to go.

Individuals that take more accountability for themselves and their work are easier to manage, make better team mates and are happier at work and at home.  And they tend to be more engaged which leads to better decisions and better business outcomes. 

What can you do as a manager to help your team take more accountability for themselves, for their own growth and development? 

First, you need to understand what fundamentally motivates your team members, and it isn’t money.

According to Gallup what employees want from work has changed drastically in the last 10-20 years. Your team is now looking for more than just a job and a paycheck.  They want an experience at work that aligns with their values, who they are and what they want from life overall.  Work is no longer seen as something ‘separate’ from life.  It is a PART of life. 

Today’s worker cares less about job satisfaction and more about personal growth, not just job skills.  They are looking for organizations and teams that help them be their best self and produce their best work.  And they want relationships, particularly with a manager who can coach them to the next level.

Gallup summarizes the shift this way:

Gallup pst future job characteristics table.jpg

As a manager focusing on helping your team experience the characteristics on the right side of the chart will help create a team that takes accountability for themselves and delivers positive results for you and the organization.

You’ve probably put team development or other types of growth programs on hold due to the pandemic, which made sense at the beginning of all of this.  We are now 2 months into work from home (WFH) and it doesn’t look like it will change anytime soon. 

Investing in your team during this time shows a commitment to continue to offer your team what they are looking for and help them grow and develop, no matter the work situation.  Focusing on team development now demonstrates to your team that you are concerned about their purpose, strengths and personal growth.

You could try to take this on all by yourself, finding ways to interact with and support each of your team members that gives them what they want.  You can work on your own leadership and Emotional Intelligence which will help you relate to your team more productively.

Or you can partner with someone to help give you and the team a common framework, language and approach that will put the responsibility where it belongs, with each individual on the team.  The burden shouldn’t be all on your shoulders just because of title or rank. 

Focusing on the team is exactly what Full Circle Coaching + Consulting does through our signature program Happy in Place (HIP).  This 8 week program provides knowledge/information, unique perspectives and practical tools that grow a sense of shared responsibility with your team members; they will become fully accountable and responsible for what they want and stop expecting it to all come from you or the organization.

Taking time now to focus on your team’s development will help you all weather the pandemic more positively and create the foundation for even more teamwork and productivity, no matter the work setting.

Contact us today to find out how our program can support your team goals, today and in the future.  All programs are available virtually. 


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